Luke 4:14-30 || "I Must Preach the Good News"
Feb 9, 2025 • Jacob Collins
This week in Luke we get to see Jesus give his first public teaching. He’s visiting his old stomping grounds in Nazareth, so his first audience is friendly. And yet, it doesn’t stay that way for long. By the time our passage is over, his own hometown will want him dead. Homecoming...over.
What did Jesus say that caused those who knew him to go from friends and acquaintances to attempted murders? If you fancy yourself a Jesus-fan, how can this answer help you avoid the same violent change of heart?
Read Luke 4:14-30. The answer isn’t obvious. If you want to do a little more detective work, look at the same passage from Matthew’s (13:53–58) and Mark’s (6:1–6) perspectives.