Go therefore and make disciples of all nations - Matthew 28:19
God has organized the church to not only share the Gospel and make disciples locally, but to be actively involved in taking the Gospel to the nations. “Mission” is not something for a select few to involve themselves in, for we all must pray, give and go right where we live, and wherever God leads for the spread of God’s praise and glory among all the peoples of the world.
Local Witness Opportunities

Local Witness Opportunities within our congregation and surrounding community.
Click the button below to find opportunities for you and your family to live out the vision of Eternal Church and to be actively involved in taking the Gospel to our local community.
Click the button below to find opportunities for you and your family to live out the vision of Eternal Church and to be actively involved in taking the Gospel to our local community.
Missionaries Living Cross-Culturally
Mike & Sarah Martin
United World Missions
London, UK
Jose & Shari Salazar
Missions Frontier
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Julio & Olga Chiang
South American MIssion
Lima, Peru
Church Planting

Currently, We are partnering with Pilgrim Community Church to start their services in our Student Center during our 10 a.m. service time. Pastor Joon and Todd lead this church plant of a few families and students. They are praying for other Korean and international families to join them, especially those who are seeking to know about Jesus and grow in God’s Word.
Pilgrim Community Church (Korean Speaking)

Global Partnership in Senegal, West Africa
Pray with us for the Senegal training and specifically for the gospel going forth, for the church planters leading them, and for our team that will be teaching May 13-17, 2024 in Senegal.