Thirst No More
(from: Psalm 63:1-8)
My soul longs for You
in a dry and weary land
My flesh it faints for You
the Holy Spotless Lamb
So I drink this water
and I'm never satisfied
For You alone can quench the
thirst I have inside
So I come to the living water
where I thirst no more
I thirst no more
Your Spirit, in me
fills me anew
and I thirst no more
I thirst no more
Oh God, You are my God
and earnestly I seek You
Your steadfast love is better than life
my lips will praise You
So I look upon You
in Your sanctuary
My desire, is to
behold You in Your glory
My soul it clings to you
Your hand upholds me,
so I will bless you Lord
as long as I'm living
In Your name I'll lift my hands
with, joy-filled singing.
For You have been my help
my shelter and my covering.
words & music by: Jesse Schlicher (2012)