Helping couples connect through laughter,
affirmation, information, and application.

Providing tools like monthly newsletters,
date night kits, & weekend retreats.

Welcome to MarriedPeople

Great marriages don’t just happen, they require intentionality and lots of fun! Here at Eternal, we want to do everything we can to help you have a vibrant and healthy marriage that will last a lifetime. Whether you’ve been married for one year or 50, there is one constant challenge facing every couple – to connect. By providing just a little nudge here and there, couples remember just how important it is to have one-on-one time. Married People at Eternal provides you with the resources for oneness time through date night kits, weekend retreats and our monthly newsletter.

MarriedPeople Date Nights

Seasonal | Fun | Ideas 

These are individual Date Night experiences that you can do with your spouse. Each MarriedPeople Date Night is written so that any couple of any age can do it. The dates require very little prep and involve little cost beyond a standard night out. They are do-able for any couple. They are intended to be FUN! That's right...FUN. Date nights are designed to help couples remember what they like about each other, and it also gets them out of the same old rut. 

MarriedPeople Monthly Newsletter

Engaging | Humorous | Insightful

MarriedPeople newsletter is designed to be that nudge for couples to have a conversation. A nudge to laugh. A nudge to think. It's a monthly marriage email to help marriages. Imagine a man and woman-friendly resource that is mush-free and brings couples together. Every month, the MarriedPeople Monthly contains go-and-do's that couples can actually go and do – and CONNECT. 

Four Core Habits of a Great Marriage.

Have Serious Fun.

Having fun as a couple is not optional; it’s essential. We believe the best way to protect your marriage is to enjoy it regularly. (Proverbs 5:18)

Respect and Love.

Of the few verses God gives to husbands and wives, the directive to respect and love is commanded more than any other. This truth really can set us free when we understand the interplay of respect and love. (Ephesians 5:21-33)

Love God First.

When Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment, His answer was to love God with all you are and to love others as well as you love yourself. Loving God in your individual life greatly impacts your married life. (Matthew 22:37-40)

Practice Your Promise.

Our spouses trusted that we would do what we promised when we said, “I do”—to love each other and to stay together no matter what. Knowing and experiencing a lasting commitment is vital to every marriage. (Proverbs 5:18; Malachi 2:15)