5 Ways to Support Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts

There are many organizations and individuals organizing opportunities to give, volunteer or provide resources.
As a church, we want to be part of loving our neighbor as well and invite you to consider one of the following opportunities.

John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Let’s do what we can to encourage those who are in a time of trouble and support the efforts of those sharing the gospel with them.

We already have men signed up to volunteer help this weekend with Samaritan’s Purse and more opportunities will be available.

1. Pray
personally, as a couple, as a family, in your home groups

a. Pray for those impacted (Loss of homes, displacement, towns devastated, food/water needs)
b. Pray for those who do not know Christ to hear the gospel and find hope and peace in Christ
c. Pray for the relief efforts to help families and towns be encouraged and restored

2. Samaritan’s Purse
This is a trusted organization whom many churches partner with.

a. Give Finanically
b. Volunteer to help


3.   Local Opportunity (Honest One Auto Care)
One of our church members own this business.

They are collecting goods and resources and will take them to JAARS or other places periodically.
Contact - 803-548-8118
Honest One Auto Care Location

4.  Jaars
A Christian organization that is on mission with God.

a. financial support to provide food, water, supplies to those in great need


5. Local Opportunity (Camp Canaan)
Eternal partners with Camp Canaan for youth retreats.

They have some rebuilding to do after the flooding.  
Currently they are asking for donations and in the near future they will provide volunteer opportunities to help clean-up and rebuild what has been lost.

Contact - please reach out to Matt Harper at [email protected] or Clay Neal at [email protected].

Stay tuned for more